Location: United States

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Thoughts on nothing

Of course the only time when I would think of starting (or re-starting) a blog is when I have a little too much time on my hands. What to talk about- all the things on my mind are so off-putting!

I want to chronicle my plunge back into the world of school, replacing predictable work routines with classes and study. Will I be able to get into those classes? How much time will I have to spend studying? Will I find that as soon as I'm in an Arabic class, my desire to learn the language evaporates? At this moment it's at a low ebb.

I'm overwhelmed, I've been inundated with paperwork, practical details and stressful changes. Never in my life have I had trouble breathing unless I was sick; now I seem to have developed asthma! One more thing to deal with. It's hard to imagine memorizing vocabulary when I'm lightheaded and weak.

Non-degree status is definitely the pits. Not only am I not able to sign up for classes till they start; I am not eligible for federal loans, and the private loan I got can't be disbursed till after I register! Since I left my job to return to school, I will be in a lot of trouble if I can't register...

The blogs I started before were filled with my fantastical musings on different phenomena; now my life is so dramatic that I don't feel very fanciful. I would just like to have the next week over with, and know where I stand. If everything else could have just kept calm while I was going through this transition, it would have been so nice. However, it was not to be.


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