Location: United States

Friday, June 16, 2006

Home makeover

My dear little sink unit is about to retire from active life and go to a lonely rest in a dump somewhere. It's about 50 years old, and the porcelain enamel is all worn off the sink, so I can't clean it anymore. The brand is "Beauty Queen," which has given me some laughs. I don't know why, but my landlady chose mauve for the new countertop. Gag-worthy. The previous landlord also decided to put some mauve-toned carpet in the hallway, which almost gave me a stroke. Mauve does not match anything else in the house, and it's going to be horrible with all my primary-colored kitchen stuff, and the cabinets. Oh well. A small penance, I guess. I probably won't notice it after a while. Why, oh why do people make churches with mauvish tile and then plan to put orange stained glass in the windows? Please, no!

I got everything cleared out of the sink unit this afternoon in preparation for the new one; only to find out the custom-ordered counter had the hole cut in the wrong place, so they'll have to wait for a new one. No energy left to move anything back...


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