Location: United States

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The reluctant nephew

Behold my nephew, Robbie, aged 1 1/2 years. He is really sweet. He also would like me to sign a paper every time he sees me, guaranteeing that he will not be left alone with me, and I will not try to replace my sister. Since I feel this is insulting, he is suspicious of me unless my sister is within view. This dates back to about the second day after his birth. If you know anything about newborn babies, you know that they can hardly focus on anything. I took him into my (loving) arms, and spoke to him. He gazed up at me and then suddenly, stared at me intensely for about 15 seconds, in a kind of hostile way.

Yesterday, though, he did warm up to me a bit. He likes to watch people dance and imitate them, and also be entertained by silly eating performances. I'm afraid this rapport will be destroyed tomorrow when I babysit for him (for the second time ever). Ah well. In a few years he won't even remember how much he feared me. :-) My plan: to drive out fear with fear. If I play scary monster and chase him around the house, he might forget his parents aren't there to protect him!


Blogger Soaring Gryphon said...

Hehe. I really can't see Robbie demanding a signed paper, especially not at two days old!

2:59 AM  
Blogger Soaring Gryphon said...

Is this blog a secret? It isn't listed in your profile.

3:02 AM  
Blogger Goldberry said...

Yeah, yeah, I love hyperbole... The blog isn't a secret, it's just that it's more private than my travel blog, so I unlisted it when I started the other one. I can give the address to those interested.

1:05 PM  
Blogger Fritz said...

Hi M,

I've been in NC since the the first of '08, so going on three weeks now. It's not so bad, and I'm getting used to it.

Know this is more of a e-mail thing, but I don't have your e-mail addy, so I don't feel all that bad about it...

8:25 PM  

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