Location: United States

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Back to School

Ah, the joys of beginning classes at U-M. I observed a hapless freshman in the Romance Languages office agonizing over the fact that he couldn't get into his class yet. Since the lady at the desk wasn't being very informative, I chimed in with what I learned the hard way last year- you just have to register for a class you don't intend to take; and the first week is always like this. Poor guy. I guess his advisor didn't warn him.

As for me, I am more mellow this year. If the Lord wants me to get into my classes, voila! Otherwise, I'll be stuck working or something... there's a kaleidoscope of different possibilities which I'm not going to stress over, since I should find out next week what's going on. This year there's no form to fill out to get on the waitlist for French, and I can't register even though there are openings. Instead I was instructed by the office to attend each open section to demonstrate that I am interested. Three of the same French class in a row was a little much, but I tried to play the identical Loto game with good humor. The fourth class was with the same teacher as the first one, and she thought it was ridiculous that I was back again- "It's the same class!" Yes indeed, my thoughts exactly. So I just wrote my name down and left.

Arabic will be determined by the placement test on Thursday evening, which just as last year is on the same night as the first Carmelite meeting of the year. :-( I'd like to get into the third-year level, but who knows what will happen, since I jumped the tracks in the midlde of the summer.

Despite the news that tourists were shot in Jordan this weekend, a hop skip and jump from the museum I visited on my own, I'd like to go back. Maybe winter semester, maybe in the summer- we shall see!


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